Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2024 Read Harder Challenge


Your one-stop-shop for reading quizzes and book quizzes, from the serious to the silly. Whether you want to find out which secondary Jane Austen character you are, or if you’d survive Game of Thrones (tl;dr: probably not), we’ve got the book quiz for you!

Quiz: What Book Should Be Your Valentine?

Should you spend this Valentine's Day with a steamy romance novel or a psychological thriller? Take the quiz to find out what book should be your Valentine!

Quiz: What Thriller Protagonist Are You?

Take this quiz and find out which thriller protagonist you are!

Quiz: Which Star Wars Book Should You Read?

Which Star Wars book is the perfect read for you? Take the agonizing decision-making process out of your hands and let this quiz decide!

Tell Us Your Favorite Books and We’ll Tell You Your Hogwarts House

Tell us your favorite books and we'll tell you what Hogwarts house to call your own. Take the quiz to find out which Common Room is right for you!

Which Secondary Jane Austen Character Are You?

Which secondary Jane Austen character do you see yourself as? Take the quiz and find out if your guess matches your result!

Quiz: Real Manga or Made-up?

Manga series can have some wacky premises...and that's part of their charm. This quiz tests whether you can separate the real titles from the fakes.

Quiz: Which Woman from THE HANDMAID’S TALE Are You?

Take this quiz to learn which woman you are from THE HANDMAID'S TALE, and keep hoping this dystopian nightmare doesn't become reality.

QUIZ: Which Literary Dog Are You?

Are you more Lassie or more Toto? Take this quiz to find out which literary dog has the most in common with you!

Quiz: YA Book Quote or Late 90s/Early 00s Song Lyric?

Can you pick out which of these quotes are from YA books and which are from late 90s/early 00s songs?

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Jane Austen?

Test your Jane Austen knowledge!