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Steph Auteri

Steph Auteri is a journalist who has written for the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Pacific Standard, VICE, and elsewhere. Her more creative work has appeared in Creative Nonfiction, under the gum tree, Poets & Writers, and other publications, and she is the Essays Editor for Hippocampus Magazine. Her essay, "The Fear That Lives Next to My Heart," published in Southwest Review, was listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2021. She also writes bookish stuff here and at the Feminist Book Club, is the author of A Dirty Word, and is the founder of Guerrilla Sex Ed. When not working, she enjoys yoga, embroidery, singing, cat snuggling, and staring at the birds in her backyard feeder. You can learn more at and follow her on Insta/Threads at @stephauteri.

6 Works of Narrative Journalism That Challenge Long-Held Beliefs

Narrative journalism takes readers on a deep dive into a subject, and when well-done can challenge your most deeply-held beliefs.

12 of the Best Horror Comics That Are Terrifying Readers Today

For those new to the world of comics, it may seem as if the genre is made up solely of tights and capes and BOOM-POW-saving-the-world action sequences. But there's so much more to it than that. Here are the best horror comics that will really scare the crap out of you.

10 Stunt Memoirs That Shook Up Their Authors’ Lives for Just One Year

Memoirs from authors who changed their whole lives for one year, and then wrote about it. AKA: the stunt memoir.

Two History Books That Show the Beginnings of Sex-Positive Feminism

Interested in the history of sex positivity? Pick up Vibrator Nation and Buzz.

The Dark Tower Is Coming to the Small Screen

Unusual Fictional Narrators Who Bring Me Delight

From dead people to squirrels to a fetus: what are your favorite fictional narrators?

The 7 Convoluted Rules I Put In Place to Prevent TBR Overwhelm

One reader's (increasingly convoluted) rules around reading designed specifically to prevent TBR overwhelm, and to power through those stacks.

5 Women Writers Whose Raw Honesty Has Blown My Mind

Unflinching memoirs, poetry, and essays by women, all published in 2017.

Best Comics We Read in October

The very best comics we read in the month of October.

Why I Cosplayed As My Favorite Fictional Character Even Though I Am Socially Anxious

Why one reader decided to cosplay as her favorite comic book character, even though she doesn't like attention.